About Me

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Dalam lemas hiruk kota, dalam seksa gelagak manusia. kadang-kadang kita tak punya teman bicara, sedangkan hati masih ingin berkata-kata. tentang kesakitan, tentang kegembiraan dan tentang pengharapan... -Aku-

Extravert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger (ESFJ)

Your Profile

Here are the results of the Personality Type Assessment. If you are like most people, you will be impressed with how accurately these paragraphs describe you. 

Extravert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger (ESFJ)
ESFJs represent between 9 and 13% of the U.S. population

ESFJs are friendly and talkative "people" people. Sympathetic, gracious and conscientious, ESFJs are very concerned with the needs of others and eager to help in real and practical ways. Responsible, literal, and organized, ESFJs are bound by their sense of duty and commitment, and enjoy being active and cooperative members of committees and organizations. Highly sensitive to indifference, criticism or conflict, ESFJs are generally quite decisive and like to have things settled. They need harmonious relationships with others and work hard to achieve and maintain them. In fact, they often idealize whatever or whomever they admire. ESFJs often go out of their way to do something helpful and nice for others and especially enjoy being responsive in times of trouble or great celebration.

ESFJs Tend To Be: 

• Sensitive to others' perspectives
• Enthusiastic, friendly, positive & high energy
• Organized & able to remember & manage lots of details
• Highly responsible, conscientious & loyal
• Practical, realistic & efficient; adept at executing tasks
• Dependable & likely to take commitments & deadlines seriously

Career Satisfiers
All people are most satisfied and successful when using their natural talents in an environment that is consistent with their personality preferences and values. Research shows that ESFJs are most satisfied by jobs that provide the following:

• Opportunities to help people in real & tangible ways
• A friendly, cooperative environment, free from conflict & tension
• A manager whom they admire & who has their best professional interests at heart
• Plenty of opportunities to interact with other people & develop friendships
• Ongoing appreciation, approval & support